SD&A 2001
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Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XII (2001) Conference

The Demonstrations

The demonstration session is an extremely valuable part of the conference - allowing attendees to see with their own eyes the equipment and systems discussed during the conference.

[Click on each image for a larger view of that image.]

San Francisco Imaging Services displayed a wide selection of transparency- and reflection-mode Stereojet images.

Canon presented their new 3D lens for the Canon XL-1 prosumer digital video (DV) camcorder. [Pictured: Joe Bogacz]

VREX presented their new DLP based stereoscopic video projector. The field-sequential image was viewed via LC shutter glasses, and the 3D video signal came from a field-sequential 3D DVD.

Shmuel Peleg of University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel) and Moshe Ben-Ezra from OmniStereoLtd (Jerusalem, Israel) demonstrated their system for capturing stereoscopic panoramas using a single monoscopic "webcam".

Edge 3D Imaging (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) demonstrated its microscope accessories for direct-view 3D imaging. [Pictured: Gary Greenberg and Lawrence Kaufman]

Communications Research Center Canada (Ottawa, Canada) demonstrated the MPEG2 transmission of stereoscopic video over a broadband network with a stereoscopic video camera and a 3D 120Hz-CRT-based computer display.

Several autostereoscopic displays (based on the parallax illumination technique) were on show from Dimension Technologies Inc (Rochester, New York) [Pictured: Jesse Eichenlaub (standing) and Chris Poultney (seated)]

I-O Display Systems (Menlo Park, CA) displayed their various LC shutter glasses systems, i-glasses 3D head mounted display (HMD), 3D camcorder attachment and new 3D CD-ROM titles. [Pictured: Dave Graham and Dave Woodward]

John Rupkalvis of StereoScope International (Burbank, California) demonstrated a small stereoscopic video camera with the use of a portable polarized 3DTV based on two LCD monitors, a half-silvered mirror and linear polarizers. [Pictured: John Rupkalvis and Pascal Rondot]

Dynamic Digital Depth (Santa Monica, California and Perth, Australia) demonstrated their "Optic Boom" Quicktime plug-in for streaming 3D Video content and their 3D video demultiplexer and scan doubler products. The DV120 3D video standards converter and a prototype 3D VGA demultiplexer were demonstrated by Curtin University (Perth, Australia). [Pictured: Andrew Millen]

Digital Optical Technologies (Ithaca, New York) presented their microscope that provided for optical conversion of mono-path high magnification microscopy to dual-path stereoscopic video microscopy. [Pictured in right image: David Lee]

The Posters

Four posters were available for viewing during the demonstration session.

Yoshifumi Kitamura discussed his IllusionHole poster with Bill Kowalik and Mike Weissman.

James Tam with one of his two posters.

Holographic Display

A hologram display was organised as part of the Practical Holography chaired by Steve Benton. These photos show just a small sample of the holograms on display. The hologram on the left is from Zebra Imaging.

All photographs © 2001 Andrew Woods.

Pictures with the glasses logo ( ) were taken with a FED stereoscopic camera and are available for you to view in 3D. The images are in the stereoscopic jpeg (jps) format and can be viewed with a range of stereoscopic image viewing programs including StereoPhoto Maker.
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Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference

Maintained by: Andrew Woods
Revised: 16 September, 2001.